Cinderella’s Closet is a money-manageable alternative for buying Prom attire.
Back in 2018, Librarians Jill Shinn and Shannon Southard talked with some other teachers and brainstormed a way where students wouldn’t spend so much money on prom outfits. Cinderella’s closet is located in 2409 in the English wing. It is open during Zero Hour from March 1 through April 26.
The teachers created Cinderella’s Closet and allowed anyone to donate their old prom outfits so students who couldn’t afford expensive outfits, could buy a new outfit.
Junior Seth Standridge liked the fact that the clothing cost so little.
“I chose to go to the closet for my prom outfit because it’s a great opportunity to relieve the pricey burden of buying new clothes,” Standridge said. “While reusing and appreciating clothes are already at your disposal.”
The closet began as a Renaissance Club project, but later on, it became something more. People in and out of the community began to donate their old formal attire.
“The very first year that we did this, somebody mailed me a dress from Texas, it didn’t have a name on it, it just said ‘To Cabot High School’,” Southard said.
Cinderella’s Closet used to hop around each year, now it has a permanent home in the English hall.
“We’ve moved it around, at one time we had it in the media center, another time we’ve had it in the loft, but now we’ve got a permanent room upstairs,” Shinn said.
All of the money raised from the closet goes to the Renaissance Club’s projects, such as Teacher of the Week, Muffins with Mom, and Donuts with Dad.
“The money we raise goes into the Renaissance Club and to their projects,” Southard said. “All that they’re working on right now is some recognition projects, like Teacher of the Week and Life Impact Diplomas.”
A vast majority of the closet consisted of women’s clothing, but the closet also offered a small variety of male clothing. Junior Natalie Chandler shopped in the male’s section of the closet. With limited options available, Chandler made it work.
“I heard several good things about Cinderella’s Closet and I wanted to see for myself. All I knew is they had several outfits. I had no idea that you could get belts or other accessories you needed,” Chandler said.