On April 25, an Award Ceremony and a NAHS (National Art Society) Induction was held at the CHS black box. It started at 6:30 p.m and ended around 8:00 p.m.
Families were encouraged to visit the gallery and support the students’ hard work.
The NAHS Induction acknowledged the members who received cords for graduation. They also Inducted the new members. Being Inducted means you are being welcomed into an organization or group.
After the NAHS Induction a reception was held. Students, staff, and families gathered together, drank punch, and ate sweet treats.
April 25-26, the Fine Arts Building hosted an art show and allowed classes and the public to visit from 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
Helen Goodman helped a lot with preparing the Art Show.
Goodman teaches FAV I, FAV III, AP Studio Art, & Graphic Design 1 & 2.
“Our annual art show is the capstone to the year,” Goodman said. “It takes weeks of preparation to make it through the selection and matting of pieces for all the classes we teach and then divide them into categories for the judging process.”
There were hundreds of works prepared for the show.
“We had an art instructor from an area college to judge the work and then a crew of students helped during the judging to lay out artwork by categories for the judge to consider and then record the results,” Goodman added.
This year, more than 40 categories of artwork were judged.
“Finally, a best-of-show is selected for each grade level and an overall trophy winner is chosen,” Goodman said. “The work will be displayed during two school days and we’ll have an awards ceremony on Thursday night to honor the students who’ve won our show in addition to those who’ve won awards in state competition.”
Students work hard throughout the school year to make art, students learn new techniques and grow with their abilities throughout the year. When the end of the year creeps up students get to choose their favorite pieces to enter into the Art Show.
“Each year I see a lot of technical growth, artistic maturity, and conceptual development in my students throughout the year. I love to see my students progress in their abilities and knowledge through the year: the, ‘ah ha!’look on their faces when things come together for them is so exciting! There’s not one that doesn’t run into challenges and I love it when those challenges are conquered,” Goodman said.
Students were asked why they put their art in the art show.
“I put my shadow shape, titled New Career and Business,” sophomore Drey Crumpton said. “Mrs. Goodman made me do it. I really like it. It wasn’t really my choice, but I am glad I put it in.”
There were 42 categories, with one grade victor for judges to choose who should place. There was an overall winner of a category and first through fourth place, as well as honorable mention.
Sophomore Dorothy Spangler placed first in her grade for her artwork, “Treetop Bookshelf.”
Junior Ethan David placed first in his grade for the artwork, “Small fry.”
Senior Mckinley Ables placed first in her grade for her artwork, “Lady Liberty.”
Students have been mentioned for their awards.
Category: Acrylic
Overall Winner, junior Ethan David. Artwork title: Small fry.
First place, David. Artwork title: Creation.
Second place, David. Artwork title: Soul.
Third place, senior Elanna Osborn. Artwork title: My 17th.
Fourth place, David. Artwork title: Count Sheep.
Honorable mention, senior Konley Runyon. Artwork title: Sticky Situation.
Category: Oil
First place, David. Artwork title: Dog.
Second place, senior Isabell Ulrich. Artwork tile: A Zoo.
Third place, Ulrich. Artwork title: Night Drive.
Fourth place, Ulrich. Artwork title: Roman Battle Horse.
Honorable mention, senior Raylena Ashmore. Artwork title: Two of the Same.
Category: Chiaroscuro
First place, junior Abby Lamb. Artwork title: Old family Heirloom.
Second place, junior John Borella. Artwork title: Closet Closet.
Third place, junior Joshua Gonzales. Artwork title: Curious Dog.
Fourth Place, senior Jaida Poirrier. Artwork title: Childhood gone.
Category: Wire 12
First place, senior Marissa Higgs. Artwork title: Hold my Heard Close.
Second place, senior Abbyn Bryant. Artwork title: The Game of a Beast.
Third place, Runyon. Artwork title: Before the Big Bang.
Fourth place, senior Anastasia Cook. Artwork title: Not So Jelly Jellyfish.
Honorable mention, senior McKinley Ables. Artwork title: Dinner for one.
Category: Contour Line
First place, Runyon. Artwork title: K.O.
Second place, junior Jasmin Sutton. Artwork title: Under the Sea.
Third place, senior Ava Carroll. Artwork title: Vertigo.
Fourth place, Runyon. Artwork title: Subway Train.
Honorable mention, senior Isabella Clouston. Artwork title: Jell.o’ Ton.
Category: Acrylic Portrait
First place, junior Dax Jones. Artwork title: Eyes of Wonder.
Second place, junior Dorothy Spangler. Artwork title: Thermally Camouflage Dog.
Third place, senior Deacon Bernal. Artwork title: Tool.
Fourth place, senior Lauren Gorecke. Artwork title: Karma.
Honorable mention, senior Cade Peterson. Artwork title: Bickle Deae.
Category: Cardboard
First place, junior Sheila Duncan. Artwork title: Butterfly Effect.
Second place, Ables. Artwork title: Little Grin.
Third place, senior Sierra Davison-Dodd. Artwork title: Through the Looking Gloss.
Fourth place, senior Anastasia Cook. Artwork title: Penny Anne.
Honorable mention, senior Lauren Lewis. Artwork title: Evil in Color.
Category: Zentangles
First place, sophomore Mallory Vasily. Artwork title: Sea of Madness.
Second place, senior Cayla Garcia. Artwork title: Trippy Mushroom Adventure.
Third place, sophomore Angelina Thomas. Artwork title: Rainbow Heart.
Fourth place, junior Anais Crespillo Ramos. Artwork title: Anais.
Honorable mention, senior Nick Self. Artwork title: Web of Life.
Category: Grade 10 Acrylic
First place, sophomore Kazzmyn Platt. Artwork title: Terror in the Backseat.
Second place, sophomore Dayden Norwood. Artwork title: Ciara.
Third place, sophomore Jericho Brown. Artwork title: #Birthday Grill.
Fourth place, sophomore Vin Maberry. Artwork title: Sapphire Soulmates.
Honorable mention, sophomore Myleigh Rogers. Artwork title: Puddin.
Category: Grade 10 Tools Color
First place, sophomore Alexis Phipps. Artwork title: A Piece of Work.
Second place, sophomore Madison Hanson. Artwork title: Tools!
Third place, sophomore London Christensen. Artwork title: Waste of Time.
Fourth place, Mayberry. Artwork title: The Timeless Tools.
Honorable mention, sophomore Mallory Vasilj. Artwork title: Locked Heart.
Category: Jim Dine
First place, sophomore Ethan Lentz. Artwork title: Tool Box 1.
Second place, Self. Artwork title: Tools?
Third place, sophomore Lucero Escobar-Moctezuma. Artwork title: Jim Dine Tools.
Fourth place, sophomore Layla Williams. Artwork title: The Write Stuff.
Honorable mention, junior Hannah Scott. Artwork title: The Shovels.
Category: Grade 10 Photography
First place, sophomore Brooklyn Mathis. Artwork title: Floating Jellyfish.
Second place, sophomore Dani Sikes. Artwork title: Heaven’s Rays.
Third place, sophomore Myleigh Rogers. Artwork title: Stray.
Fourth place, sophomore Nelida Lopez. Artwork title: Cold Day with Warm Sky.
Honorable mention, sophomore Ash Cullum. Artwork title: Carnivan Nights.
Category: Grade 10 Graphite
First place, sophomore Jaylee Covey. Artwork title: The Hallway of Fine Arts.
Second place, Maberry. Artwork title: Forgotten Space.
Third place, sophomore Kimberlyn Crews. Artwork title: Dreamy Little Avenue.
Fourth place, sophomore Harper Matthews. Artwork title: Staircase.
Honorable mention, sophomore Taylor Sherril.
Category: Faces Vases
First place, junior Kylie Orta. Artwork title: Enemy to My Imagination.
Second place, sophomore Sara Venable. Artwork title: Hourglass of flowers.
Third place, senior Jayn Kingston. Artwork title: Faces Vases.
Fourth place, sophomore Zoe Baldwin. Artwork title: Faces Vases.
Category: Linoant
First place, senior Indie Mudge. Artwork title: Velvet feathers.
Second place, junior David Rouss. Artwork title: Wandering Weevils.
Third place, junior Wesley Armstrong. Artwork title: Rose.
Fourth place, senior Noah Hodges. Artwork title: Terrors of the Sea.
Honorable mention, senior Charlie Billy. Artwork title: Steven Billy.
Category: Pastels (Oil and Chalk)
First place, Runyon. Artwork title: It’s just a pinch.
Second place, senior Paris Cross. Artwork title: Self love.
Third place, Ables. Artwork title: Poisoned.
Fourth place, Ables. Artwork title: Blooming flowers.
Honorable mention, senior Beyla Eason. Artwork title: Supernova.
Category: Charcoal
First place, Ables. Artwork title: Tools for Reproduction.
Second place, sophomore Layla Williams Artwork title: Retirement.
Third place, senior Isabella Cloostion. Artwork title: Mother like Daughter.
Fourth place, junior Ash Outlaw-Miller. Artwork title: Mask of Emotion.
Honorable mention, Ables. Artwork title: Sexy.
Category: Grade 11-12 Shadow Shapes
First place, junior Drey Crumton. Artwork title: Retired from Sad, new Career in business.
Second place, Ables. Artwork title: Dishwasher.
Third place, Self. Artwork title: Freedom.
Fourth place, junior Josephine Minkus. Artwork title: #Summertime.
Honorable mention, junior Chloe Clintion. Artwork title: Killty Killty.
Category: Mixed Media
Best over all, Cross. Artwork title: Identity Ballon.
First place, senior Harrod. Artwork title: Beauty is Pain.
Second place, senior Raylena Ashmore. Artwork title: Visibility.
Third place, Miller. Artwork title: Blame.
Fourth place, Runyon. Artwork title: The Show must go on.
Honorable Mention, Harrod. Artwork title: Bon Appetit.
Category: Grade 11-12 Color Printmaking
First place, Runyon. Artwork title: What’s for Dinner?
Second place, junior Rylee Frisby. Artwork title: Piglet’s Mask Dance.
Third place, senior Gabby French. Artwork title: The Girl Obsessed with tech.
Fourth place, junior Alexis Olive. Artwork title: Imagination against Reality.
Honorable mention, junior Ciarra Biggers. Artwork title: Mature and immature.
Category: Intaglio CD
First place, Lewis. Artwork title: Womanhood.
Second place, Ables. Artwork title: A Rainy Day.
Third place, Cook. Artwork title: Bubble Blossom.
Fourth place, French. Artwork title: The Donut Shop.
Honorable mention, senior Zoe Baldwin. Artwork title: Chicken Scratch.
Category: Mixed Media – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
First place, Duncan. Artwork title: A Blast of the Past.
Second place, junior Devon Langston. Artwork title: Past, Present, and Future.
Fourth place, junior Zoey Mitchell. Artwork title: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.
Honorable mention, junior John Borella. Artwork title: Screaming Seas.
Category: Color Pencil
First place, Cross. Artwork title: Besties.
Second place, Osborn. Artwork title: Was it Crispy?
Third place, Cross. Artwork title: Eighties Expression.
Fourth place, French. Artwork title: The One True Pookie.
Honorable mention, junior Dorthy Spangler. Artwork title: Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
Category: Color Tools
First place, junior Britny Hernandez. Artwork title: What’s it Doing?
Third place, junior Abby Harris. Artwork title: Trippy Tools.
Fourth place, senior Aryonna Young. Artwork title: Sizzas.
Honorable mention, senior Sydnee Moore. Artwork title: One the Clock.
Category: Black and White Tools
First place senior William Hill. Artwork title: Scoopy Things
Second place, junior Marc Thompson. Artwork title: Printing Life.
Third place, sophomore Ava Haynes. Artwork title: Chainlink.
Fourth place, sophomore Isabelle Steiner. Artwork title: The Effect of Time.
Honorable mention, junior Jakson Krecek. Artwork title: Tools.
Category: Collage
First place, Runyon. Artwork title: Bubble bath.
Second place, junior Fisher Stevens. Artwork title: Runaway.
Third place, senior Makya Watts. Artwork title: Eye of the Beholder.
Category: 11-12 Grade Photography
First place, junior Finley Fortson. Artwork title: Happy macaroni.
Second place, Lewis. Artwork title: Disco.
Third place, senior Charles Schnieber. Artwork title: no name.
Fourth place, Mudge. Artwork title: Iggy in a blanket.
Honorable mention, Ables. Artwork title: Those Long Eyes.
Category: In the Round – Sculpture
First place, Ables. Artwork title: Lady Liberation.
Second place, senior Alexia Groves. Artwork title: Wendigo.
Third place, senior Beyla Eason. Artwork title: All that I Give.
Fourth place, Duncan. Artwork title: Eyeball spaghetti; the continuation.
Honorable mention, Caroll. Artwork title: Tulkun.
Category: Typography
First place, junior Rayla Cozares. Artwork title: Rattle the Stars.
Second place, no name. Artwork title: Book-Cover-Bloody Butter
Third place, junior Hannah Gebhard. Artwork title: bird.
Category: Grade 10 Linscut
First place, sophomore Brianna Noah. Artwork title: Ocean Jelly.
Second place, sophomore Alexis Phipps. Artwork title: A Wonderful World of ink.
Third place, sophomore Jericho Brown. Artwork title: He left the 99
Fourth place, sophomore Marc Thompson. Artwork title: Smoke.
Honorable mention, sophomore Kortney Wilson. Artwork title: Jack and Cindy.
Category: Surrealism Photography
First place, senior Jaydon Nobles. Artwork title: Exposure and Duality.
Second place, senior Jackson York. Artwork title: Conflict.
Third place, senior Isabella Clouston. Artwork title: Sin the Rabbits.
Fourth place, senior Gabe Goodwin.
Honorable mention, senior Shanley Ray. Artwork title: Waiting on the crazy.
Category: Grade 10 – Shadow Shapes
First place, sophomore Brooklyn Sammis. Artwork title: Shadow Shape: Dog Portrait.
Second place, sophomore Loren Short. Artwork title: Imperfect Perfection.
Third place, sophomore Jessi Steele. Artwork title: Cat.
Fourth place, sophomore Layla Williams. Artwork title: THE GOAT.
Honorable mention, Gebhard. Artwork title: Stumpy.