In the early morning of Wednesday, January 29, 2025, Mike Calvert released a Google Form asking the seniors what time they wanted to graduate on May 17. The form was released at 10:00 am on the dot and stayed open until 3:15 that same day. Many during that time took the chance to submit their choice. The form gave you three choices, the first time being at 10:00 in the morning, 2:00 in the afternoon, and 5:00 in the afternoon.
The seniors who submitted the form had to say what time was their top choice, what time was their second choice, and what their third choice was. Senior Abby Lamb chose the earliest time, so she could spend the rest of the day how she chose.
“I chose 10:00,” Lamb said. “Just because I can have the rest of the day to spend with my family or go see my other friends graduate.”
Mike Calvert, the 2025 Graduation coordinator gave his input on his thoughts about what the best time to graduate is. Calvert believes that there is no “best” time to graduate.
“One of the interesting things that has emerged since we started the lottery is that everyone has a different opinion about the ‘best’ time to graduate,” Calvert said. “Some students are really intent on graduating in the first ceremony. Other students really like graduation in the last ceremony.”