As the Winter Break ended, students return to their normal sleep schedule and prepare for their morning and afternoon classes at Cabot High School. It was the start of the second semester and the 2024-2025 graduating class takes its next step to their graduation.
The seniors are starting their descent into adult life, and to help the next graduating class some seniors left behind impactful quotes. Senior Michela Ozack leaves a quote that she carried for a long while. “Your future is determined by your present, not your past.”
“This quote was said by my good friend back in my hometown town,” Ozack said. “This helped me get through the start of my high school career since it made me realize that only the then and the now determines my growth, not my past.”
Though senior Cameron Phillips’ quote is from a movie, it still inspired him to go beyond. “The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.” – The Dark Knight.
“I like this because, it tells you to go against the grain and push boundaries,” Phillips said.
Even when things get a little difficult senior Lily Boles just had to remember the quote to keep going. “Keep going and don’t stop when it gets hard.”
“This helps by telling me that i can’t give up when things get a little challenging,” Boles said.
Sometimes it was hard to keep things in control, when senior Jayden DeSellems feels like this he just have to think of her quote.
“Not everything is within your control and that’s okay,” DeSellems said.
“I struggle really heavily with overthinking every little thing and having to have the details in my mind or I get stressed to no end,” DeSellems said. “I have to stop and understand that sometimes I just can’t control it all.”
Everyones struggles with something, when senior Shelia Duncan found herself making a hard decision on weather to give up or not she just has to think of something said to her many times before.
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain first,” Duncan said.
“This quote hits so hard to home. I’ve struggled a lot with giving up on things because it doesn’t look exactly how I want it to,” Duncan said. “This quote serves to remind that you have to sow before you can reap.”
Senior Noah Wright had some days where it seems like things wont get better but his quote inspired him to keep going. “As long as you are standing here today, there is always hope for tomorrow.”
“I’ve had a lot of moments where life didn’t seem so bright, but this quote reminds me to keep moving forward, even if it means taking it one day at a time,” Wright said.
Steve Jobs was a memorable person, creating a variety of things such as different computer fonts and Pixar Animations. Senior Keegan Vest took inspiration from him and his famous quote. “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”- Steve Jobs.
“Even though you may look like a fool trying to achieve something considered impossible,” Vest said. “If you stay persistent then you are sure to accomplish it as well as many other successes.”