Flu Season

Rebekah Simmons, Staff

Flu Season

On Monday February 3rd, the Cabot High School administration informed parents and students that school would be canceled on Thursday and Friday as a result of increasing levels of absences due to the flu, and anticipated weather fluctuations later in the week. These days of school will be replaced with AMI days (Alternative Methods of Instruction) where students will work on assignments that were pre-assigned by their teachers.
Teachers and administration continue to advise students to do everything they can to avoid the flu and other seasonal illnesses by washing hands and avoiding anyone who they know is ill in order to prevent spreading germs.
“The important thing to remember is that if you are diagnosed with the flu that you need to stay out of school for at least five days so that you are not infecting other students and teachers,” school nurse Mrs. Julie Miller said.
Common flu symptoms, according to WebMD are:
Fever above 100 F
Severe aches in your muscles and joints
Weakness or severe fatigue
Warm, flushed skin and red, watery eyes
A headache
A dry cough
A sore throat and runny nose